Authors: Md. Nasir Uddin, S. M. Mahbub Ali, Md. Younus Ali, Sabera Akter, Md. Delwar Hossain Sarker and Md. Zablul Tareq*

*Corresponding author: zablulbarj@gmail.com


The study was conducted at breeder seed division of Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Dhaka from September 2018 to January 2019 to determine prestorage hardening effects on chemical composition of jute seed. The experiment was conducted in Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with four replications. The highest total soluble protein (210.6 and 185.2 mg g-1) were obtained in control treatment, while the lowest were (204.3 and 182.0 mg g-1) in treated seeds of capsularis and olitorius seeds, respectively. The highest total free amino acids (32.69 mg g-1 and 24.80 mg g-1) were estimated in treated and the lowest (30.11 mg g -1 and 23.30 mg g -1) from control treatment in capsularis and olitorius seeds, respectively. Total soluble sugar was statistically identical both in treated and control treatment though total soluble sugar was always higher in capsularis than in olitorius seed. Presence of soluble sugar in seed has great implication on seed quality as there was positive correlation between the total soluble sugar content and germination percentage of jute seed which indicated that higher the amount of soluble sugar, higher the germination percentage. Oil content and ash content of jute seed were not significantly influenced by hardening treatments. Among two species of jute higher oil content was observed in olitorius seed than in capsularis seed. On the other hand, ash content was always higher in capsularis than in olitorius.

Keywords: Jute seed, chemical composition, seed treatment.

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