Author (s): M. E. Hossain1, A.K. Majumder2, M.G.G. Mortuza3*, M.T. Rahman4, F.A.I. Tabib5
* Corresponding author, E-mail: mortuzacdb@gmail.com


The study evaluates the level of farmers' pesticide use practiced to control rice pest, their knowledge and perception of the performance of pesticides on environment. A survey was conducted to collect the data from the farmers. The respondents were categorized into two; sprayer and non-sprayer categories. The study revealed that the respondents of sprayer category (74) had better knowledge on the pesticide poisoning through skin contact compared to non sprayer’s category (59). Respondents have given emphasis on the washing hand after the handling of pesticides (73%), washing body after handling pesticides (73%), changing clothes (69%), willing to receive IPM training (59%) etc. Headache (65), excessive sweating (61) and thirst (61) were found to be major in the sprayer group category whereas farmers of both sprayers (72) and non sprayer group (70) argued that weakness was a very common symptoms experienced by them. About 46.7% of the respondents were found to incur loss more than BDT 2000 per annum. In terms of other costs, the respondents reported that the total cost of illness exceeded BDT 2000 per household per annum. It was suggested that to ameliorate the impacts of exposure to agrochemicals, farmers should have technical-know-how and be involved to the mainstream of the information and communication technology which would help them get instant support from agricultural department.

Keywords: Environment, Water quality, Perception, impact, Farmers and Public health.

J. Expt. Biosci. 3(2): July 2012

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